Natural Bodybuilding Diet for Woman

Natural Bodybuilding Diet for Women

Find the hiden secrets about the Natural Bodybuilding Diet Plan for Women of the most reconized Bodibuilders and Fitness Models to have a lean body and toned muscles. Tom Venuto as a Bodibuilder All Natural reveal in this body fat diet program.

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle
Can Work Fitness Miracles For Any Woman,
At Any Age, In Any Country... In Just 49 Days!

Tom Venuto as a fitness professional and natural bodybuilding diet coach for more than 22 years, have been making an "outrageous" promise that many people found hard to believe. 

He promise that "with the proper natural bodybuilding program combined with training, motivation and psychological "success factors" ( inside Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program), you can transform your body in only 49 days!
Which is really Hard to Believe, becasue is s short time to achieve it, but...
As Carl Sagan once said,

"extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

With this  #1 Best-selling natural fat loss program that has already helped more than a quarter million people around the world get beach-worthy bodies since it first burst on the Internet scene in 2002...

What Results Achieve with this Natural Bodybuilding Diet In Only 49 Days?
The program is designed to Transfor your Body in 49 Days, Yes! but this not means that any woman will have abs in just 7 weeks from now. Obviously, for example, if you weigh 300 pounds right now with 37% body fat, it's going to take longer than 49 days to get lean enough to see six pack abs. Wich sound logical! Unless you have surgery, and still I have doubts about it!

But here's what I CAN guarantee:
No matter what kind of shape you're in now, our most recent wave of success stories proves that you can look like a new person in 49 days by using the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle plan...
  • If you’re already lean, you can get ripped with 6-pack abs in 49 days
  • If you’re average, you can get lean and start to see your abs show through in 49 days
  • If you’re overweight, you can drop so much fat, you’ll need a whole new wardrobe in just 49 days (so please don’t yell at me about your clothes shopping bill)
  • If you’re obese, you can lose fat to dramatically improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids - while dropping several waist sizes and feeling better about yourself than you have in years - all in only 49 days!
How Am I So Sure That This Natural Bodybuilding Diet work… And Why 49 Days?

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM) is one of the most respected and trusted fat burning systems on the internet, still going strong and transforming bodies worldwide after a decade online.
We held the first fitness contest over the holidays, from Thanksgiving, over Christmas, and into the New Year. That “holiday challenge” just happened to be a 49-day period.

At first people said we were crazy to have a body transformation contest during the busiest, most stressful and most temptation-filled time of the year.
The skeptics also said that 7 weeks wasn’t long enough to see any really major changes with this natural fat loss progrram.
You needed at least 3 or 4 months for that, they scoffed, much longer if you were obese or overweight.
After documenting their results with photos, weigh-ins, body fat testing, weekly progress reporting and strict date verification, hundreds of them finished the challenge… and by day 49, the end result was:
They achieved more body changes in those 7 short weeks than they ever thought possible!!!

Re-thinking Your Fitness Goals:
Have You Set The Bar TOO LOW?

The Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program that ALL these guys used is based on natural bodybuilding diet of nutrition.

Maybe you’ve heard the S.M.A.R.T. goals formula: Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Realistic and Time-bound. That’ a GOOD acronym to remember, and making your goals realistic is an important part of it.

It’s been said that there are few unrealistic goals, mostly just unrealistic deadlines.
But the results of our new challenge with this natural fat loss program made us realize that under a certain set of circumstances and with just the right goal deadline, the odds of a spectacular “results not typical” bodybuilding diet transformation increase dramatically.

Long term goals – those that span a year or more – are vitally important. But there’s a problem if you only think long term: It’s difficult to keep up your motivation and action in the present moment with the target so far away. You tend to rationalize: “I have plenty of time, so if I miss this one workout, or cheat on this one meal, it won’t matter.”

Short term goals are equally important because reaching daily goals gives you a confidence boost. Weekly results serve as a compass or guidance system which tells you exactly what to tweak in your nutrition and training each week to keep the results coming.

If you don’t get frequent feedback by setting short term goals and measuring your progress against them, you easily drift off track. By the time you make a course correction, you’ve wasted days, weeks or even months without payback.

What kind of results can you achieve with this Natural Bodybuilding Diet for Women in 49 days?

It is pretty well-established that "typical" weight loss on a well-designed program is usually 1 to 2 pounds per week. One percent of total body weight or 3 pounds a week is not uncommon if you have a lot of weight to lose. (larger and heavier people can lose weight faster than short, lean or smaller people).
The truth is, I don’t know what you’ll accomplish – only you can decide that by how hard you're willing to work at it.

I can also tell you that if you do it the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle way, you won’t just lose body weight, you’ll low body fat and keep the lean muscle. If you choose, you can even gain lean muscle while lose fat at the same time: that rare achievement also known as "body re-composition."

The best way to demonstrate all this is not with more talking, but by showing you some of the inspiring body transformation results that our clients and members achieved during our most recent 49 day challenge.

Sally Sanders (Michigan USA) 
Lost 9 3/4 inches off her waist in 49 days!!

Coming off a difficult year, Sally had reached 215 lbs and a size 18 by November. At the beginning of the holiday season, when most people let their eating and physical activity slide the most, Sally decided to do the opposite: She signed on for the Burn The Fat Holiday challengeGetting leaner and healthier over the holidays is difficult for anyone, but try doing it when you live on your family-owned bakery and winery! Despite being surrounded by temptations every day, Sally dropped 13.6 pounds and take a look at her waist - she shrunk her waistline by 9 3/4 inches!

Sarah Kensington (UK):
Burned Off 7 lbs of fat and gained 8lbs of Muscle in 49 days!
When you look at Sarah's before and after photos you may be surprised to hear that she actually gained a pound during the 49-day Burn the Fat challenge. How is it possible then that she looks so much leaner? Simple: she dropped 7 pounds of fat while gaining nearly 8 pounds of muscle! It's even harder for women than men to gain muscle and lose fat concurrently, yet Sarah gained more lean body mass than anyone in the entire contest! it shows in the pictures too. After you stop staring at her rock hard abs, take a look at the muscle increase in Sarah's arms and shoulders. A truly monumental "body composition transformation."

 The 5 Common Denominators of Natural Bodybuilding Diet Success.

Ok, now this is the part where you'll want to pay close attention because these are THE SUCCESS SECRETS that every one of our champions used to get the kind of "beyond typical" results you see in the photos.
By looking closely at what Sally, Sarah and hundreds of our Burn the Fat champions had in common, we may have cracked the code on why some people routinely blow past “average” results and achieve more in 7 weeks than most people do in 7 months:

1. Proven Program. All of our champions used Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle - most importantly, they were using strategies for improving body composition - that means fat loss, not just weight loss.

2. Positive Association/ Support. All of our champions participated in a support forum using the power of association with like minded people

3. Accountability System. All of our champions used an accountability system – “keeping score” by tracking results weekly, and posting the results for others to see.

4. Rewards/External Motivation. All of our champions achieved their transformation during one of our official Burn the Fat body transformation challenge competitions and the prizes/rewards were pretty "juicy."

5. Hard Work. All of our champions worked their butts off. As Thomas Edison once said, "There is no substitute for hard work." None.

If you follow the same success strategies that our Burn the fat champions did, you too can achieve an incredible body transformation in 49 days.

"More Than Just a 49-Day Program."

The CRUCIAL Difference Between a Goal and Lifestyle

It’s important to know that Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is not a “49-day program.” That would imply that it’s over in 49 days. If a program ends in 49 days, what then? 49 days is just a goal; it’s a motivational challenge. Burn the fat is a lifestyle.

Here’s how the program will work for you, long-term:
Use the program to lose all the fat you want, until you reach your ultimate goal. When you’re satisfied with your current body weight and body composition, you can simply move into a maintenance phase with maintenance calories (or start building muscle, if that's what you want). But the nutrition guidelines and foods you’ll eat are mostly the same.

You can use the program whether you have 100 pounds or more to lose, or just the last 10 pounds (so you can finally see your abs!) You can use it whether you’re a year away from your goal or just weeks away.

Health and fitness is not a 7 week program, it’s a lifelong journey. But along the way, you need short term goals and motivational challenges to help yourself achieve your longer term goals.

If You're Not Eating The Right Foods
That Burn Fat For YOUR Specific Body Type… 
You Will Never Achieve Permanent Fat Loss!

staying on the wrong kind of diet can cause you to lose more muscle than fat… leading you to suffer what I call “skinny fat” syndrome.
That’s where you weigh less and even fit in smaller clothes, but out of clothes, your body looks and feels weak and mushy. Obviously not what you’re after.
See, the breakthrough in William Sheldon’s body typing is that it proves…there is NO SINGLE FOOD PLAN that works for every body!
The One Size Fits All Diet Does Not Exist!

Let Me Explain What's Going To Happen Over The Next 49 Days:
  • First of all… you’re never gonna hate me because I’m never going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do (the program is structured but also very flexible).
  • You’re also never gonna hate yourself because this is so simple, by Day 3 I guarantee you’re going to wake up and think, “you know, this is kinda fun.”
  • And by Day 10 you’re going to look in the mirror and you’re going to see some changes.
  • By Day 20, these changes are going to be so drastic that people are not only going to notice, but you’re going to get a little tired of people complimenting you on how good you look.Your energy is going to be through the roof, you’ll sleep more soundly and guess what…
You're Still Not Hungry, You’re Not Popping Pills, You're Not Relying On Special Drinks And You're Not Living At The Gym!
  • By Day 30… I’m not even going to tell you what will happen by then because it’s so wonderful that you and whatever state you’re in right now, cannot even begin to imagine what’s going to happen then.

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. 
Scrutinize the course closely. Examine it. 
Test it for up to 8 weeks. Use the program to the max.

You will be thrilled with your results, 
or I want you to simply write and tell me, 
and I'll send you a prompt and courteous, 
no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.

We Make Getting Started Easy For You...

If you’d like to make amazing body changes like our burn the Fat Challenge champions did, everything you need can be found in the "bible of fat loss" - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle - the same fat-burning program our champions used.

It’s an e-book available right on this website and it’s downloadable so you can get started literally just minutes from now.

Included with the Burn the fat e-book, you get 60 days of membership in our Burn the Fat Inner Circle: The internet’s premier fitness motivation and support community. This is where you get the accountability and support that are so vital if you want results that are far beyond the norm.

As a confirmed and registered Burn the Fat owner, you’ll also receive private invitations for all our Burn the Fat Challenges – we hold these exciting competitions twice a year – once in the summer and once in the winter (the original 49 day holiday challenge).

Put your trust in this system – and in your own potential to do so much better than you're doing now – and you could shave weeks or even months off the time it would normally take you to reach your most desired body shape and fitness goals.

Everything you need to know and do is laid out perfectly in Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle!

I want you to come with me on this amazing journey. And you don’t need to spend hundreds on a private trainer because…
  • I’ll be watching you every step of the way through my Burn The Fat Inner Circle Personal Support and Motivation Forums...
  • Become part of this "society of fitness achievers" and you'll tap into the power of social support, accountability and community.
  • It's the missing piece of the fat loss puzzle that can turbo-charge your diet or exercise program and finally help you achieve the body you've always wanted.
  • Remember, you’re getting all four of the bonus reports… including Foods That Burn Fat, Foods That Turn To Fat, The Food Choice Grading Guide and How to Measure Your Body Fat in the Privacy of Your Own Home … which put together are worth even MORE than what the ebook costs!
… and FREE access to the Personal Support and Motivation Forums where the interaction and inspiration are priceless.
Commit to finally having the body you deserve by clicking the link below to go for the official site and I’ll take it from there.

Train hard and expect success,
Tom Venuto, author of:
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. 
Scrutinize the course closely. Examine it. 
Test it for up to 8 weeks. Use the program to the max.

You will be thrilled with your results, 
or I want you to simply write and tell me, 
and I'll send you a prompt and courteous, 
no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.

See The Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review Here.