Monday, March 18, 2013

Is Your Bottled Water Turning you into A Woman?

Is Your Bottled Water Turning you into A Woman?
You workout, you put your blood sweat and tears in at the gym, you gather information and try to put the best muscle building and fat loss diet program together based on the information you've read. You've probably already got the basics down in your head such as how much protein you should be eating and the fact that you have to be lifting heavy weights on a regular basis. 
This stuff isn't new and it's pretty universal, it worked back in Arnolds day and it still works today...well mostly still works today. Eat your protein, lift heavy, eat enough calories to gain muscle, do cardio when necessary to burn fat, get big, get ripped. End of story. Sounds simple right? 

Well I'm here to tell you it isn't so simple anymore. 
There is some insidious happening to all of us as men in 2013. It's something we could never have anticipated but it could very well be the #1 thing holding back your progress and causing you frustration anguish and a feeling that you're just never going to get that muscular ripped body that you want.
If you think it's actually getting harder to get in shape than in previous years you're right! And the culprit is something called "xenoestrogens"
Xenoestrogens is a term that refers to any estrogen or estrogen like compound that occurs outside of your body and that your body didn't produce.

You are being exposed to various forms of xenoestrogens on a daily basis from multiple sources. 
The water supply itself is heavily contaminated with estrogen from the influence of birth control use in women. When women take birth control a certain amount of the drug gets excreted in their urine and some of that synthetic estrogen ends up in our water supply even after water treatment and purification. This is a bigger problem than any scientist could have anticipated when birth control use became so widely adopted. I'm sure just about every women you know is on some form of hormone replacement therapy, this means every single woman around each of us is contributing to this environmental rise in xenoestrogens.
But it's not just that, there is also research showing xenoestrogens coming from many house hold and consumer items that you might use every day including:

BPA (Bisphenol A)- BPA is used in the lining of plastic bottles and cans...if you drink anything out of a bottle or a can you're likely consuming more BPA than you should and it can have an estrogenic effect on your body.
Atrazine - one of the most widely used pesticides in the world and is commonly used on the weeds that grow in corn and wheat fields, and it's also commonly used on lawns, golf courses, and other residential areas. In other words you're surrounded by this stuff.

There is also PCB's, Ptha
As men we produce a small amount of estrogen that is crucial for proper healthy functioning. It plays a role in bone health, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, and having a healthy normal level is also critical for having a healthy and normal sex drive and sexual function.

The problems arise when we have too much estrogen.
Typically a rise in estrogen can happen at puberty as your natural testosterone levels shoot up to build your body up from a 'boys' body to a 'mans' body. The reason we can sometimes see a rise in estrogen at puberty is because some of your natural testosterone gets converted to estrogen. Now this process of converting testosterone to estrogen is happening all the time in your body, but when testosterone shoots up too high, there is simply more of it that can be converted to estrogen. This is how some boys develop male breast tissue at puberty called gynecomastia (bitch tits). This is also a major side effect for guys who use steroids as some of the massive amount of testosterone being injected gets converted to estrogen. Again, bitch tits can occur.

So where do xenoestrogens fit into all of this?
Well if you start poking through the research on normal male testosterone levels in the 2000's compared to the 1990's and the 1980s you'll find that the average testosterone level for men has been steadily dropping! This is because of the influence of xenoestrogens.

John Barban has spent years studying the human body, exercise and nutrition. He has a bachelor and masters degree in human biology and nutrition from the University of Guelph. He went on to do more graduate work at the University of Florida where he also taught exercise physiology. 

Check out this presentation to see the newest methods of preventing man boobs, raising your testosterone levels and building a leaner, more muscular body:

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