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Showing posts from February, 2012

How to Lose 87 Pounds in 6 Months?

The results talk by their own!... 87 Pounds in just 6 Months , it means 14.5 pounds for month or 3.6 Pounds per week in pure FAT. What is the secret behind this amazing results? Why this can be possible for You at any age and any condition achieve it in a too short time? The main goal with this Fat Loss Program is Based in a Naural Bodybuilding Diet that allow you the bodybuilding body that you are looking for, or maybe, just get a perfect health body. Why should you read this? This advice comes from Shannon Veurink, who burned off 70 pounds in only 4 months, then another 17 pounds over the holidays during the Burn the Fat 49 Day challenge... She lost a total of 87 pounds and got her athletic, young, energetic and HEALTHY body back! That would be an impressive achievement for anyone, but Shannon did it after overcoming a debilitating tropical disease (Dengue hemorrhagic fever). She also had to deal with hypothyroidism and peaking at the heaviest weight of her life after ...

Mind Powers Secrets

What is that Little Thing in Your Head That's Keeping You Fat? I have no doubt that a scientist somewhere just read the title of this article and said out loud, “YES! Venuto is right! That little thing in your head – the hypothalamus – it IS the thing that is keeping you fat! By George, that Venuto guy isn’t a dumb bodybuilder after all – he’s been doing his research!” At which moment, I will be shaking my head and thinking, “you need to get out of the laboratory and into the real world, with real people, buddy.” Okay, okay, to be fair, Neuro-endocrine control of appetite and body fat really is quite fascinating. But today, I’m talking about PSYCH- ology, not  PHYSI- ology. The little thing in your head that’s keeping you fat is actually just a…. Limiting belief! Self-limiting beliefs are among the biggest problems that people deal with in their struggles to achieve a healthy ideal weight. They’re also one of the reasons that so many people start ...

Bodybuilder Low Body Fat

What does a bodybuilder's body guy with 3.7% body fat eat? Many people are not only curious about what foods a natural bodybuilders body eats to maintain single digit body fat , but they also want to be taken by the hand and told exactly what foods to eat themselves while on fat-burning or muscle building programs . 4 separate "top 10" lists of healthy weight loss foods to feed your muscle and burn fat. Of course, I can't tell you what YOU should eat because I don't know your likes and dislikes, not to mention whether you have any intolerances, allergies or foods you don't eat for ethical reasons, etc. What I CAN do is show you what I eat, which has helped me keep my body fat under 10% all year round and peak in the low single digits when I want to get cut for competitions or photo shoots. Exact quantities and menus are not listed, just the individual foods, and of course my food intake does vary. I aim to get as many different varieties ...

Slow Female Fat Loss

1 Reason For Slow Female Fat Loss... And 5 Tips To Fix It You may have heard (or realized first hand!), that it’s more difficult for women to lose fat than men. Differences in male and female hormones are certainly involved - both in the fat loss process as well as in the patterns of fat storage on the body. But the biggest obstacle is NOT hormonal issues, it’s one little fat loss relativity factor that almost all women overlook… That factor is the simple fact that women are usually smaller and lighter than men, yet they err by setting their goals and designing their nutrition plans like men or larger women. This especially applies to short and petite women who still have body fat to lose. Case in point: Last week I received an email from a female reader who told me she was doing 3 weight training and 6 cardio sessions per week and the cardio was 45 minutes at a clip. She said she weighed 111 lbs at 4 feet 11 inches tall, but even though s...

Top 10 Ways Control Your Appetite

Top 10 Ways to Conquer Cravings Handle Hunger, and Control Your Appetite You often hear the well-intentioned advice, "eat only when you're hungry." But if you eat every time you feel the slightest twinge of hunger, regardless of whether your calorie needs for the day have already been met or not, you will constantly be taking one step forward and one step back. A little bit of hunger on a fat loss program is normal and sometimes simply needs to be tolerated. Your body's natural response to calorie deprivation is to increase hunger and it's not just because your stomach isn't full; it is far more complicated than that. A lot of it has to do with hormones secreted by your fat cells (leptin) and by your stomach and gastrointestinal tract (Ghrelin, CCK, Neuropeptide YY and others). These hormones interact with your central nervous system (brain/hypothalamus) in a way you could describe as turning up the appetite dial a notch...